Cocoa Beach Discount Pharmacy is mandated by law to respect your privacy and maintain the confidentiality of your health information. We will only be able to use and/or disclose such information with your consent and written permission.
Unless personally revoked by writing to us, your information can be used or disclosed in the following instances:
Your insurance company may require such information to pay for the products or services you have taken advantage of with us.
Your care team, including doctors, nurses, or other healthcare personnel may need your medical information to provide you with the proper medical attention.
We may inform your family members or loved ones, especially those who are involved in directly taking care of you, about your health details.
Other health-related purposes
We may inform you or other authorized individuals about medical appointments or availability of health products or services that can help you with your condition.
There are also special situations where the use and disclosure of your health information may be required such as:
Legal purposes
Federal or state government agencies may need your information. If you are involved in a lawsuit or a dispute, we may disclose your health information once we receive a court or administrative order to do so.
Public health risks
We may use and disclose your health information to prevent the spread of serious illnesses or let a professional who can help you with your condition know such information.
If you need further clarifications about our privacy notice, please do not hesitate to contact us at 321-799-2030. We will be happy to discuss the matter with you.